January 13, 2023 By Matthew Rathbone *

To drop a constraint in PostgreSQL, you can use the ALTER TABLE command followed by the DROP CONSTRAINT clause. For example, if you have a table named users with a primary key constraint on the id column, you can drop this constraint using the following statement:

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In this case, users_pkey is the name of the constraint that you want to drop. You can find the name of the constraint by using the \d command in the psql terminal, or by viewing it in the Indexes tab in Beekeeper Studio, which will show you the details of the table, including the name of the constraints.


Alternatively, you can use the DROP CONSTRAINT statement on its own, like this:


This will also drop the specified constraint from the table.

Data is not affected

It’s worth noting that when you drop a constraint, the underlying data in the table is not affected. The constraint is simply removed, and you will be able to insert or update data in the table without having to comply with the constraints that were previously in place.

Dropping constraints can cause integrity issues

It is important to be careful when dropping constraints, as doing so can lead to data integrity issues if the constraints were in place for a reason. For example, if you drop a primary key constraint, you may end up with multiple rows in the table that have the same values in the primary key column, which can cause problems when you try to query or update the data in the table.

Therefore, it’s always a good idea to thoroughly review your data and the constraints that are in place before dropping any constraints in your database. You should also consider the potential impact on any applications or processes that rely on the data in the table before proceeding with the drop.


In summary, to drop a constraint in PostgreSQL, you can use the ALTER TABLE command followed by the DROP CONSTRAINT clause, specifying the name of the constraint that you want to drop. Be careful when doing this, as it can potentially lead to data integrity issues if the constraint was in place for a valid reason.