June 18, 2024 By Matthew Rathbone *


Storing images directly in a database is a topic of debate among developers. There are several ways to store images in a database, including as binary data, file paths, or using cloud storage. The best method depends on the specific requirements and constraints of the project. This tutorial will focus on storing images in SQL databases using BLOB (Binary Large Object) data types.

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Why Store Images in a Database?

Before diving into the “how,” it’s important to understand the “why.” Storing images in a database offers a few advantages:

  • Security: Images are stored in the same secure environment as your other data, making it easier to manage permissions and access control.
  • Atomicity: Transactions that include image data behave like any other transaction, ensuring data integrity.
  • Backup and Recovery: Simplifies backup and recovery processes as everything is contained in one place.

However, it’s also important to note that storing large volumes or sizes of images can lead to performance bottlenecks. Thus, it’s recommended for specific use cases where these advantages outweigh the potential disadvantages.


  • An SQL database (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL)
  • Database management tool (e.g., Beekeeper Studio)
  • Sample image file

Setting Up Your Database

First, ensure your database is set up to handle BLOB data. Here’s how you can create a table specifically for storing images in MySQL:

CREATE TABLE image_store (
    image_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    image_data LONGBLOB NOT NULL

Inserting Images into the Database

To insert an image, you’ll need to convert it into a binary format. Here’s an example using a Python script to insert an image:

import mysql.connector
import os

# Establish a database connection
db = mysql.connector.connect(

cursor = db.cursor()

# Open your image file in binary mode
with open('path_to_your_image.jpg', 'rb') as f:
    binary_data = f.read()

# Insert the image
query = "INSERT INTO image_store (image_name, image_data) VALUES (%s, %s)"
cursor.execute(query, ('example.jpg', binary_data))

print("Image uploaded successfully.")

# Close the connection

Expected Output:

Image uploaded successfully.

Retrieving Images from the Database

To retrieve and use the images, you’ll need to reverse the process. Here’s how you can retrieve an image and save it back to a file:

import mysql.connector

# Establish a database connection
db = mysql.connector.connect(

cursor = db.cursor()

# Retrieve the image
query = "SELECT image_data FROM image_store WHERE image_name = 'example.jpg'"

# Fetch the data
image_data = cursor.fetchone()[0]

# Write the data back to a file
with open('retrieved_image.jpg', 'wb') as f:

print("Image retrieved and written to file.")

# Close the connection

Expected Output:

Image retrieved and written to file.


Storing images in a database using BLOB fields is straightforward once you understand the basic operations of converting and handling binary data. This approach is useful for applications needing enhanced security and data integrity for their image data. However, always consider the impact on performance and whether a dedicated static file server might better serve larger scale applications.

Ultimately, the best method for storing images in a database will depend on the specific requirements and constraints of the project. It is important to carefully consider the advantages and disadvantages of each method and choose the one that is best suited for the task at hand.