August 28, 2020 By Matthew Rathbone

Headline Features

  1. Table Editing: So long as your table has a primary key you can edit the values of the other columns right inside Beekeeper
  2. FK Links: Click on a foreign key column to jump to that record in the foreign key table.

This release would not be possible without some massive community contributions. MVP for this release goes to @UtechtDustin, who has contributed quite a number of Pull Requests.

More features in this release:

  • Cancel long running queries
  • Query execution time
  • Table view now shows total records and last refresh time
  • Context menus (right click menus) for tabs
  • SQL formatter for the SQL editor
  • Added the option to copy a connection as a URL
  • Fixed HEX value display in table view
  • You can now toggle comments in the query editor as expected
  • SSH tunnel switch is fixed
  • There’s a nice info message if you try and run a blank query
  • PSQL connections use a default database if none is specified

View the individual PRs on our GitHub releases page


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